Welcome to the Training Page for the New RRR247 CRM. This is where all the magic of our growth for decades to come is prepared and ready.

We began loading in new on 3/25/2024 and will be in a fury (organized and with smiles on) until we get a huge database converted into the new CRM.

This is going into a Database Structure to not only replace what we need it for today, but for the future. We are talking about having incredible Marketing Tools working for us in our Progress to Build RRR247 into the Vision we Have. “Helping Millions of Families”.

As an Instructor you will be migrating all of the following from the TRELLO CRM into the RRR247CRM:

  • All of your Students Pending BRT
  • And All of your Students with PBS
  • All of your VIP Students with PBS
  • And all of your INSTRUCTORS need to be set up as Customers FIRST and then upgraded by an ADMIN to “STAFF” and set up with their Instructor Levels and Permissions! But you will make them a Customer and Notify your “Admin Person”.

Even get your Cancelled Students “They will be Referenced as “Terminated Students” or “Terminated Instructors” (If they were Instructors Prior).

There are problematic issues with a huge conversion like we have. We purposely by design only moved over leads from 2018 forward. This is going to leave several out. As well as several of our Lead Sources that came in are not carried over.

If you see ?-marks or unnecessary commas, or symbols in the Student Cards you are updating from Trello into the RRR247CRM, please remove and clean it up as you go.

If you are not an ADMIN, this is good for you to know. We all will be connected to Admin(s) to help us with our Growth and Business. Good to know the depths of what we have. Furthermore; As you Progress, Admin Responsibilities could very well be in your future.

  • Give Instructor or Above Permissions and Access.
  • Alter the Permissions (for leads to be seen).
  • Upgrade an Instructor to CSI Instructor, GSI Instructor, PSI Instructor, MSI Instructor, MSI Elite Instructor.
  • Alter the ROLES from Instructor to Goya (Full Lead Access). From LIS Member Basic to LIS Member Full.
  • Correct Errors that are Beyond the Instructor Levels

Amongst Other Things. This is for our “MSI’s With Admin Needs and Access Requirements” as well as for our Staff and Personal Assistants for Rory and Tanya. In Addition; Be sure to be attending the Instructor Calls on Mondays.

As an Instructor, You Need to Prioritize and Migrate Over the Following:

  • All of your Students Pending BRT
  • And All of your Students with PBS
  • All of your VIP Students with PBS
  • And all of your INSTRUCTORS need to be set up as Customers FIRST and then upgraded by an ADMIN to “STAFF” and set up with their Instructor Levels and Permissions! But you will make them a Customer and Notify your “Admin Person”.
  • Even get your Cancelled Students “They will be Referenced as “Terminated Students” or “Terminated Instructors” (If they were Instructors Prior).

Look up in LEADS. If they are there, then update their Profile Accordingly.

If they are not in Leads, and you have searched Name, Variation of Name, Email, Phone then you Create Lead. (YOU MAY NOT HAVE PERMISSIONS to do this – if this is the case, find a LEAD that is CLEARLY not a lead and EDIT IT with the NEW INFORMATION IN IT!)

Be sure to UPDATE all areas you can. Name and COMPANY – both need their Full Name.

Copy their Description into the Description and NOTES. Both Places.

(Rory to Add More Here Shortly)

MAKE SURE YOU ASSIGN A GROUP (This is how your FILTERS will allow you to see Your Students only and by their Status)

If you are unable to ADD A LEAD “+NEW LEAD” which is almost everyone here for now. THIS IS BEING fixed. In the meantime… please go to “Name=” where the = is a UP Arrow. Select the ARROW and it will pull up all the BLANK NAME leads we have. EDIT those to utilize the ADD A LEAD IN. This is good anyways to clear this up. MAKE SENSE?